I like many first time mothers drug my husband and daughter to get their photos taken by a professional. I discovered the photographer while looking on craigslist for more items for the daycare. I'm always looking for a good deal when it comes to daycare equipment. Anyway, after spending all week driving my husband nuts trying on outfit after outfit on us all, it was time to pack everything up and head to her in home studio. I had spent many hours picking out the perfect outfits - spending time modeling them and precisely choosing matching outfits. I had chosen three outfits for Audrey. Of course we only got to two of the outfits before she decided she was done having her picture taken like she was a famous movie star. Without fail she, like many kids who get all dressed up, spit up all down the front of one of the outfits. It's like they are programmed to do this. When it was time to leave (after an hour), we couldn't locate the lid to her bottle. It wasn't until three days later that I discovered it had made its way to her diaper bag. But that was after contacting the photographer twice to see if it had been left behind! Boy did I feel dumb when I pulled it out of her bag! Audrey didn't want to cooperate during the photo shoot - then again she was only 7 weeks old - you try to get a infant to do what you want. The lady even commented that she was "going to get a run for her money". I was worried that we wouldn't get any good shots of her or us. Four days later my husband stopped over to pick up our completed CD of photos. I couldn't wait to load them on my computer and check them out. Wow! I was impressed. Audrey did better than I'd thought. Long story short, we got some pretty good pictures of her. Like the proud mothers I use to make fun of...I'm going to share some of these photos with you. The downs ? Spit up down the front of a carefully selected outfit, Audrey didn't want a head band on that I had purchased specifically for this photo shoot and she forcefully verbalized her discontent to us several times, getting lost on the way there, forcing my reluctant husband to go along with my crazy ideas, an outfit not used that took me days to decided I wanted to use, and an exhausted mommy after spending hours getting us ready for a one hour photo session. The ups? Some fantastic pictures I'm so proud to show off!!

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