Serving Tray Re-Do
I'm always looking to re-use or re-purpose things that I have found. This project is no exception. I was given for free an octagon shaped dark wood serving tray after it didn't sell on a garage sale my in-laws were having. My mother-in-law asked if I wanted it. At the time I had no use for it, but decided to take it anyway. Well, it has sat in my basement on my end table for the past year. I kept looking at it... trying to decide if I wanted to re-paint it. But I couldn't decide or commit to what I'd want it too look like. Then I got a wonderful idea...Michael's Craft store was having a sale on their scrapbook paper. So I decided to pick up a few sheets of paper and mod-podge the paper into the center tray portion. I wound up using two sheets of 12x12 paper, cutting them like a puzzle to fit inside. Then using a paint brush painted a thin layer of the mod-podge down, laid the paper on top, and then applied another thin layer of mod-podge on top. Here is the end result:

Baby Hat Shadow Box:
Who doesn't love craft stores and their awesome discounts and sales? I know this girl does! When I was at Michael's purchasing my scrapbook paper for the tray project mentioned above. I found that their shadow boxes were on sale for a good price. I had also gone armed that day with a coupon for 40% off my entire purchase of goodies. So I decided to get me a shadow box! I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do, but had been looking at some ideas on pinterest's website the past few weeks. So I knew I could do something with it. As soon as I got home, I knew what I wanted to do. It was a quick and easy project and I love, love, love looking at it every time I go into my daughters room. I took her baby hat she received while at the hospital and pinned it inside. I then hopped onto my computer and whipped up a quick little note that says "Audrey Campbell Weers, January 7, 2011, 7:25 PM, 5 lbs, 14 oz * 18 inches". I then glued it to the front side of a piece of pretty scrapbook paper and then attached that inside the shadow box. I then asked my husband to hang it on the wall in her room (he's better at hanging things than I am). Here is the finished project:

Kitchen Knife Block Embellishment/Monogram:
I have been wanting to do a kitchen makeover ever since we purchased our house five years ago. But just haven't been able to do it yet (maybe this will be the year). So I've been looking at little ways to do a mini-makeover until we can replace the counter tops and floor. After looking on pinterest for some ideas, I came across several ways to dress up the knife block/holder. Since this sits out on the counter all year I thought I'd give it a try. I found the monogram ones were quite cute! So I decided to do it that way. I was lucky enough to receive a Cricut for Christmas so I knew it would make the letter "W" for Weers just fine. I just had to decide what material to use and what font I wanted. I picked up a roll of vinyl made for Cricut projects at Michael's craft store, picked out my font, and let the machine do the work. All I had to do was peel and stick it on. Best part is if something splatters on it, it can easily be wiped down. Also can be easily removed without leaving any marks ... that way if I want to redo it, make something different, or sell will easily come off!

Monogram Wood Block Letter:
I decided my daughters room could use a monogrammed block letter! Not sure how I came to this decision, I just know I did! I used one sheet of another piece of scrapbook paper and the letter "A" wood I also purchased on sale at Michael's to do this project (see tray project above). I started by flipping the sheet of 12x12 scrapbook paper over, placed the letter upside down and traced around it using a pencil. I then cut along the traced line. Using a paint brush and mod-podge, I applied a thin layer to the front of the letter "A". Then lined up the sheet of paper to the front and applied another thin layer on top of that. After it dried, I used an knife to cut off any pieces of the paper that hung over the side. Here is the end result: